Prepare for an Ofsted Inspection

While preparing for an Ofsted inspection, the school washroom might not be the foremost consideration, yet it remains a critical element for securing top marks from the inspector. Numerous guidelines govern the installation and management of a school washroom.

As per British Standard there are some main points to be considered:

- Preschool level (3-5 years)
One toilet for every 10 pupils, with a minimum of four toilets plus one handwash basin for each toilet. For every 40 pupils there should be provided a large sink and bath or shower.

-Primary level (4-11 years)
One toilet/ urinal for every 10 pupils under 5 years old and one toilet/ urinal per 15 pupils over 5 years old.
The urinals should not exceed 2/3 of boys’ facilities.
There should be one handwash basin per toilet/ urinal as well.

- Secondary level (over 11 years old)
One toilet/ urinal for every 20 pupils. If there are less than 3 fixtures, there should be one handwash basin per toilet/ urinal. If there are more than 3 fixtures, then the ration should be one basin per 3 toilets/ urinals.

When choosing between single handwash basins and wash troughs, the second option is more optimal for schools of all levels because they are cost-effective, easy-to-clean and long-lasting solutions. Check on our website the Solid Surface Wash Troughs as an ideal solution for low or high- traffic areas in your school.

The Department for Education (DfE) has issued the Advice for Standards on School Premises , to help schools make the right decision when choosing washroom products.

Some of the main points are:

* Handwashing facilities should be conveniently located near every toilet.
* To prevent the risk of scalding, the recommended maximum temperature for hot water in baths, showers, and wash basins is 43º C.
* Toilet facilities should be easily accessible for pupils, while also allowing staff to informally supervise without compromising children’s privacy.

Privacy remains one of the top priorities, especially for secondary schools and higher.

Other recommended specifications include:

* The toilet cubicles should be fitted with emergency release facilities, to add extra safety for children of all ages.
* If urinals are preferred for primary schools, privacy screens are recommended to enhance privacy and avoid pupils feel uncomfortable.
* Schools should opt for impact and water-resistant materials with easy maintenance. A perfect option is SGL (available for TBS Amwell Tiny TotsTots 2 TeensSplash ranges- our top products recommended for education premises).

There are lots of check points in an Ofsted Inspection so it is very important to check all the requirements from the construction/ refurbishment stage to make sure the school washrooms meet all the necessary requirements.